Login to Modra Linka's chat


Opening hours:
monday 9.00 - 15.00 a 18.00 - 21.00
wednesday and saturday 18.00 - 21.00

Opening days are limited to monday and wednesday during summer holidays!

If chatting suits you. You can talk to our operator this way.

To use this service you need to register first. You can continue to this site https://enchat.modralinka.cz. But first of all please read this basic information.

This service is run at separate domain with secured data transmission (SSL). At the point of entry you might be informed about "untrusted certificate". Everything is alright you just need to accept the certificate and continue.

During chatting do not use buttons "Back" nor "Forward" as those might cause errors. After log in you will be informed about the current state of chat rooms – "active" or "closed". In case of active chat you can click the button "I want to chat" and wait for the chat operator to invite you to the room. Waiting time depends on amount of clients waiting in queue before you and can not be estimated. After invitation operator waits few minute to let you accept the invite, if you fail to respond within this time operator will offer chat to another client in queue. Please be prepared to accept this invitation.

Chatting room can be used only by one person at a time. All other clients have to wait in queue. Last client will be invited 10 minutes before closing time. After that point we cannot invite another client. Chat conversations are safely stored on our server so you can come back to anytime. If you wish so, all the messages can be deleted.